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2018 Annual Meeting
Nashville, TN

CSTRO-Phys/NACMPA Meeting Announcement

NACMPA members are cordially invited to participate in the 2018 Chinese Annual Meeting of Radiation Oncology Physics in Fuzhou, China, on September 20-23, 2018. This meeting is organized by the Physics Group of the Chinese Society of Radiation Oncology (CSTRO-PG) and sponsored by NACMPA. This meeting is intended to facilitate scientific exchange and to provide a platform for radiation oncology physicists worldwide to foster communications, collaborations and friendship. For meeting registration and hotel reservation, please follow:

The NACMPA delegations, including both invited and proffered speakers, will present the latest developments in radiation oncology physics at the meeting. NACMPA members are encouraged to submit their abstracts in a similar format as for AAPM by emailing:, by June 1st, 2018.  Abstracts previously submitted or presented at AAPM or ASTRO are acceptable. All abstracts will be reviewed by the NACMPA Scientific Committee. Abstracts with the highest scores will be selected as oral presentations in the meeting. Presentations either in Chinese or English are acceptable. Each proffered presenter will receive a travel award of $500 from NACMPA. All proffered presenters are required to register at the meeting website and to make their own travel arrangements.   

We look forward to seeing you in Fuzhou!

X. Allen Li, PhD,  FAAPM
President, NACMPA


NACMPA2018 Meeting Flyer

Dates to Remember

June 1st, 2018:         NACMPA abstract submission deadline
June 15th, 2018,         NACMPA proffered presenters notified  
August 12, 2018:         CSTRO-PG online Meeting Registration deadline
August 12, 2018:         Hotel reservation deadline
September 20, 2018:     Arrival and on-site registration

September 21 & 22, 2018: Meeting programs


X. Allen Li, Ph.D. – President ( /414-805-4362)
Josh Xu, Ph.D.  – President-Elect ( / 631-444-3617)
Dengsong Zhu, Ph.D. – Secretary ( )
Ming Chao, Ph. D. – Treasurer ( 718-916-0839)
Board Members: Jackie Wu(Chair),Maria Chan, X. Allen Li, Josh Xu, and Chengyu Shi

2018 Sponsors

2018 Meeting Summary

年在纳什维尔城外的New Century Buffet召开了NACMPA的大会。与会有大约300人。
会议介绍了NACMPA的领导人,感谢本地的组织者们,介绍与会来宾,感谢赞助商,Allen Li 现任主席介绍了过去一年的成绩,曹明博士介绍了财务情况。同时有几个奖项颁发:陈昱纪念奖,IJMPCERO最佳文章奖,NACMPA最佳文章奖,NACMPA服务奖,2018 NACMPA荣誉墙得主 John Wong, 大会还进行了选举活动,选出下一年主席 Brian Wang和财务Yin Zhang。详情请见微信公众:

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