2017 Annual Meeting
Denver, CO
CSTRO-Phys/NACMPA Meeting Announcement
You are cordially invited to participate in the North American Chinese Medical Physicists Association (NACMPA) Symposium to be held in conjunction with the 2017 Chinese Annual Meeting of Radiation Oncology Physics in Chongqing, China, on October 26-28, 2017. This meeting is organized by the Physics Group of the Chinese Society of Radiation Oncology (CSTRO-PG) and sponsored by NACMPA. This meeting is intended to facilitate scientific exchange and to provide a platform for radiation oncology physicists worldwide to foster communications, collaborations and friendship. For meeting registration and hotel reservation, please follow: http://rtpam2017.meeting.so/msite/main/en
The NACMPA Symposium, with the theme on Advanced Radiation Therapy Technologies, will include both invited and proffered presentations. Participants are encouraged to submit their abstracts following the instruction in the meeting website, AND, email copies of the abstracts to: nacmpa@yahoo.com, indicating that the abstracts are submitted for NACMPA Symposium. All abstracts will be reviewed by the NACMPA Symposium Scientific Committee. All accepted abstracts will be included in the meeting proceeding. The abstracts with the highest scores will be included as oral presentations in the Symposium program. Abstracts and presentations either in Chinese or English are acceptable for the Symposium.
We look forward to seeing you in Chongqing!
Dates to Remember:
September 10, 2017: Online Meeting Registration deadline
September 20, 2017: Abstract submission deadline
September 30, 2017: Hotel reservation deadline
October 26, 2017: Arrival and on-site registration
October 27-28, 2017: Meeting/Symposium programs
NACMPA Symposium Organization and Scientific Committees:
Chair: Allen Li
Members: Maria Chan, Steve Jiang, Charlie Ma, Jackie Wu, Lei Xing, Josh Xu, George Xu, Fang-Fang Yin, Cedric Yu
Secretaries: Jing Cai, Ming Chao
Call for Members, Feb 10, 2017
NACMPA aims to promote the scientific, educational, and professional development of Chinese medical physicists in the field of physics in medicine and biology. In line with this goal, NACMPA Board of Directors has recently initiated a move to enhance the engagement of our members, especially young members, in the NACMPA society, and to create opportunities to boost their professional development. NACMPA is now soliciting nominations (including self-nomination) for the following positions:
Secretary (1)
Member-at-large (1)
Member of NACAMP Annual Meeting/Dinner Committee (5)
The NACMPA annual meeting/dinner is the most recognized and enjoyable event among Chinese physicists. Every year, many volunteers contribute to this great event. The main charge of this committee is to organize and coordinate the annual NACMPA meeting/dinner committee. Specific tasks include, but are not limited to, selecting a venue and dinner menu, arranging transportation, promoting the event, and soliciting vendor sponsorships. Preference will be given to members from the city where the annual meeting is to be held. The NACMPA member-at-large will serve as an ex officio member of the committee.
Members who are interested in these positions are encouraged to send your CV to Jing Cai (jing.cai@duke.edu). Please indicate the position in which you are interested.